Thursday, September 2, 2010

Huge Gulf Oil Rig Explosion...AGAIN

This just in...due to Obama and his Socialist Communists, another oil rig has exploded in the Gulf. Probably due to Obamacare.

The accident took place 80 miles off the coast of Louisiana on the Vermilion Oil production platform 380, which is owned by Houston-based Mariner Energy.  No deaths are reported and rescue crews are on the way.

No word on spills or leaks...yet.  Stay tuned. A bail-out might be necessary.

Horrible Calf Pain

woke up in middle of the night with a HORRIBLE cramping pain in my left calf...

Was trying to think if I had maybe injured in at the gym, or maybe...oh's Obama's Fault!

Everything Bad is Obama's Fault

according to the right, extreme right, middle, teabaggers, Foxnewsicans, and conservatives of all stripes, everything bad in the world is Obama's fault.  So at this blog, we will expose all those things that can be blamed on the Oil Spils, Endless Wars, Global Heating, and a hangnail on my left pinky.

In the spirit of the great Cole-Bear, we will spell out all that is wrong with the world and how it's all...

Obama's Fault.